


  • 公司: 深圳市敏于行国际货运代理有限公司
  • 地址: 深圳市龙岗区坂田街道马安堂社区中兴路11号城市山海中心C栋4楼
  • 联系: 舒小姐
  • 手机: 15012637901
  • 一键开店


经过多年的发展,SEAGULLS与MSK、CMA、WANHAI、COSCO、HMM、HPL、EVERGREEN、ONE、RCL、APL、PIL等多家船东保持密切稳定的合作关系,在南美、中东、印巴、东南亚、非洲、欧洲和拉丁美洲地区价格优势明显,我们的员工是全国各地各地经过精挑细选,积极专业并富有活力的团队。我们的代理网络遍布世界各地例如:加拿大的多伦多、美国的圣路易斯、新加坡、泰国的曼谷、越南的胡志明和河内,印度的班加罗尔、韩国的首尔都已有长期的合作代理。我们将会继续努力奋力进取体现我们的价值和竞争力。我们也能更近一步就地的为客户服务。 公司本着默默耕耘的经营理念,目标欲成为一家之全球物流服务供应商和客户生意上之合作伙伴。

bout Us

Segulls Interntionl Logistics Co., L. ws founded in 2013, NOVCC NO: GD201904113407. We provide first-clss interntionl freight service from Chin. SEAGULLS is fully-fledged nd Chinese owned compny bsed in Shenzhen, Chin, providing comprehensive logistics services to wide rnge of sectors.

One of e key fctors which hs mde SEAGULLS Interntionl leding service provider in SHIPPING nd CUSTOMS CLEARANCE is our determintion nd experience providing high vlue services t competitive prices. Our focus on ech individul project is to develop nd implement rel-world solutions t produce e gretest return on investment to our clients, regrdless of e size, complexity, opportunities, nd chllenges ey re fcing.

Our worldwide network spns e globe, enbling us to provide gret vlue dded services to our customers nd hndle ll of eir freight nd logistics requirements. Whtever your shipping nd logistics requirements my be, SEAGULLS hs e optimum solution cpble of meeting your expecttions nd, of course, your budget.

Our compny mintins strong reltionships wi mny globl shipping prtners including MAERSK, MSC,PIL,YML,COSCO,WHL,HMM,ONE,OOCL,ZIM,SITC,EMC nd CMA, giving us n edge over e competition in rtes nd spce lloction.

We hve mture nd specil shipping routes to Europe, Americ, Jpn, Kore, e Middle Est, Indi, Pkistn, Souest Asi nd new routes to Afric. We cn lso help identify e most cost-effective Air freight shipping to Nor Americ, Austrli, nd Ltin Americ for your business.

By choosing SEAGULLS Interntionl, you'll void pying expensive fixed costs wi our low vrible costs tilored to your industry nd e sesonlity of your business.

Our Service

We hve diverse rnge of professionlly trined nd dedicted stff cpble of understnding ech customer’s requirements nd providing optiml logistics solutions.

Our stff will keep you informed on e sttus of your shipment from pick up to customs clernce. In ddition, we provide rel-time shipment trcking to e point of delivery llowing semless logistics experience.

We provide e following services:

· Freight Forwrding (Air / Ocen / Lnd)

· Project Crgo

· Crgo Insurnce

· Trnsport of Dngerous Goods

· Wrehousing nd distribution

· Continerized freight

· Customs Clernce

· Chrtering ssistnce

· Door-to-Door service

· Bulk continer

Our primry services including Customs Clernce, Project Crgo, nd Competitive Pricing provides our clients wi definite dvntges over e competition:

- Customs Clernce

Our dedicted Customs Brokers hve extensive industry experience nd sty up to dte wi e ltest chnges in import nd Export Regultions nd Triffs wi e Chin Government.

We will cler your crgo rough ll customs nd qurntine procedures wiout dely, ensuring prompt nd trouble free customs clernce wi e pproprite duty nd tx rtes.

- Project Crgo

Our experienced project mngers know how to sfely nd economiclly hndle difficult Project Crgo. We re cpble of providing highly efficient ∓ cost effective solutions for Specil Project Crgo, such s Out of Guge Crgo nd hzrdous wste, llowing you rest ssured.

- Competitive Pricing

SEAGULLS cres bout your business nd profitbility. Your success is our success, nd wi our extensive list of shipping prtners nd experienced mngers, we re cpble of providing e most efficient nd cost-effective solutions.



  • 主营: 深圳货运代理,深圳国际海运,深圳国际空运
  • 地址: 深圳市龙岗区坂田街道马安堂社区中兴路11号城市山海中心C栋4楼
  • 联系: 舒小姐
  • 手机: 15012637901
  • 本站共被浏览过 12164 次

